Why the numbers don’t mean a thing & the method to my madness
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Why the numbers don’t mean a thing & the method to my madness

Numbers. I weigh this much. My body fat is this much. I lost this much weight or this percent body fat in x number of weeks. People get hung up on these numbers like they actually mean something. Women get so obsessed they go on a binge eating downward spiral or a crazy restricted 1200…

Day 6 Sugar Cleanse – Over the hump and feeling good
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Day 6 Sugar Cleanse – Over the hump and feeling good

I’m sitting at my favorite coffee shop that let’s me keep my unsweetened soy milk in their fridge and I have vegan donuts staring me in the face. I can honestly say I do not want them. Day 6 and my body has officially stopped wanting and craving sugar. And I’ve decided that I don’t…

Lemon Tahini Dressing – A Frequent Dressing of Mine
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Lemon Tahini Dressing – A Frequent Dressing of Mine

Day 2. Sugar Cleanse. How are you doing? I feel pretty darn good. I had a pretty simple day 1; big smoothie for breakfast, made my raw chocolate mousse (sweetened with dates) topped with strawberries, Amy’s low sodium soup for lunch while I prepped my meals for the week, and this delicious plate for dinner…