Living Candida-Free and a sammie to knock your socks off!
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Living Candida-Free and a sammie to knock your socks off!

I’m super excited to tell you about my friend Ricki Heller’s new cookbook Living Candida-Free! Her eBooks have been favorites of mine for a while. Desserts Without Compromise allowed me to eat guilt-free desserts during a time when I gave up sugar and was moulding my physique. You might recall my review of her first book,…

My distaste for the phrase bikini body & sensational advertising

My distaste for the phrase bikini body & sensational advertising

I don’t have a workout video for you today! I’m so sorry! So much going on and I’m dog-sitting for a friend. But I do have a very important topic that I want to discuss with you: The phrase “bikini body” and the sensational advertising people use to prey on women to sell products. This post…