My First Vegetarian Summerfest – An Uplifting Experience
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My First Vegetarian Summerfest – An Uplifting Experience

I owe you a recap of the Vegetarian Summerfest conference I attended and spoke at last week. To say it was a blast is an understatement! This was their 40th anniversary and I would be lying if I haven’t wanted to attend this event for the last 8 years it’s been on my radar. When I…

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BlogHer Food Conference Weekend Where Vegans Came Together

  Hi everyone! Last weekend I had the pleasure of speaking at the BlogHer Food Conference, which happened to be in Austin. I invited Heather from Healthy Eating Starts Here to co-teach the Video Bootcamp #1: Equipment and Gear session with me because she is a vlogging expert! Heather and I have “known” each other…