Of Montreal: A recap of my 8 days in Quebec’s Metropolis
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Of Montreal: A recap of my 8 days in Quebec’s Metropolis

I know I’m a little behind on my blog. It seems that a blog once a month is all I can crank out while galavanting around the world. My apologies! We continue with my wonderful 8 days in Montreal in May. My research led me to believe that Montreal is a vegan-friendly city, but couldn’t…

Travel log: Toronto takes the lead of favorite vegan city
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Travel log: Toronto takes the lead of favorite vegan city

I struggled for many weeks to find where I wanted to visit in May. My birthday was on the 13th and I ached to be amongst friends rather than be in a city all alone (per usual when you solo travel the world). Never having been to Canada, I decided Toronto would be perfect. I had friends there, many who…

Travel log: Lake Atitlan, Guatemala and it’s Traditions

Travel log: Lake Atitlan, Guatemala and it’s Traditions

The first week of March I took Spanish classes in San Pedro at Casa Rosario. I got to know the traditional Guatemala way of life through many conversations with my teacher and doing a homestay with a local family. It was so interesting, this exchange, where I learned about their religion, family, traditions, diet, work,…